About Us
JY Solution specializes in developing and providing medical, cosmetic and cosmeceutical products to clients around the world. We’re especially caring about the product quality, working with skillful dermatologists and plastic surgeons. We pursue sustainable business with professionals in each field, and look forward to growing together with our partners.

Core Values

There’s no one-sided way, there’s only an interactive relationship. We respect every client when we work as a partner, and we pursue efficiency when we work internally as a team.

The same type of product does not mean one of each is the same. We consider each client’s culture, environment, market, and many factors that are most likely to make the right one.

We do care about our neighbor, community and environment. We try our best to serve them to make our society a better place to live together.

Regardless of gender and age, people from all over the world have desire to become younger and prettier. We can’t stop time, but we can control aging.
Every best product will someday be replaced by others. We also have the best products and the best moments. However, even when we are not in the best position, we promise to do our best to provide the right products to you.
We’re having a beautiful time with beautiful people in a beautiful space. Now, we hope to create a beautiful society in a beautiful world, and live a beautiful life together.